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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The power within:

I don't know how many people would agree with me on this, but we all carry something powerful within us, the way that we think and portray what we feel towards our everyday life influences us a lot on what we get out of it. I think many people that speak about this have already worn out the use of "The Secret" both book and movie. If for any chance anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about may doing some search on it would show you a bit better what I mean.

To save some people from wondering I can summarize "The Secret" as something that explains how positive thinking on what we'd like to achieve works wonders for us, there's a certain magnetism that we have with the universe that even though we may not "see" it does exist. Now I'd like to move on from The Secret and speak about other things (even though it is a good resource for one to understand about this "power" but there are other movies and books out there as well).

I recently read a book by Robert B. Stone, It's called La Magia Del Poder Psicotronico or for the ones who prefer it in English it's The Magic Of Psychotronic. I absolutely found this book to be very helpful, from it you can learn a lot about the psychotronic power we all have, the book itself has many interesting tips and Mr.Stone even wrote about ways that we can test this power and it's reality. I know that there are many people that do not believe in this but in my case I do, and there's a very unique thing about this whole thing Whether you believe it exists and works or even if you don't believe in it's existence and function, either way YOU'RE RIGHT! It's still there though, and if you could just open up to learn more about it you could learn how to become in touch with it and make wonders out of your desires.

The difference between The Secret and The Magic of Psychotronic is that in Stone's book there's something that many people don't usually get after seeing or reading The Secret and that is that everyone is connected to eachother, it's as if you right now could become in touch with your psychotronic power and influence other people, now I know that this may sound as something bad but another thing about this book is the explanation about how we "set" our own standards on what's good or not, and according to what we believe as wrong or right we would get the effect of that. This doesn't mean that if you felt like "manipulating" someone's thoughts in order for them to murder themselves (exaggerated example but I just want to make it clear) and you believe that it's not wrong because you want it to happen and you just don't believe in Karma or anything like that and you just don't fear anything that you can go ahead and do this.

Hitler himself used this power, It is known that he would have pictures of the places he wanted to "take over", he'd visualize constantly with great concentration what he wanted to see out of those places and their people, there's proof of drawings drawn over the pictures of these places and this was just another way of using his desire to become a reality, once again i do not believe this was right but the example itself does show how strong this power can be, for good or for bad. *Keep in mind that Hitler's actions came to bite him right back* so I personally don't believe in doing such things.

With the Psychotronic power we can :
*Solve problems with others (arguments, disagreements, fights, etc.)
*Influence someone's thoughts in order to make them agree with you on something.
*Attract a person you have feelings for, making him/her notice you, look for you, take part in bringing the two of you together and having a relationship.
*Attract someone physically (sexually)
*Change certain aspects of yourself
*Increase wealth (money)
*Become and feel happier
*Become much more "wanted" (recognized)
*Get good grades
*Get rid of aches,pains,sicknesses


Throughout my next posts I would love to bring out some tips and ways on how to make this all possible, it's all a matter of giving this a chance and believing in what you have had with you all your life!

I hope you enjoyed this!,

Monday, December 21, 2009

Depression,& lack of motivation towards life [[Something many people go through]]

There are so many things that deal with the low motivation that many people feel on life and the importance of certain things like working or studying. Certain things like depression have a lot to do in most cases, but other reasons like lack of rest and organization can take up responsibility for this as well. Among the different reasons for lack of motivation and energy not eating right can also affect in this, with this being said I can definitely point out that taking care of our health is important in all aspects.

I think it's really important for anyone who finds that they cannot "progress" in life or accomplish what they'd really want to accomplish because they just "don't feel the strength to do it" should really think about this for a while. If depression is the case, seeing a psychologist helps a lot. The fact of being able to open up to someone that's willing to listen, comprehend, and give helpful words of advice helps with the understanding of how to see things from a different point of view or how to help free the mind and soul from such feelings. Having someone to listen to you can be something you may "lack" or need and not even "know" it or admit it, but whether it's a counselor, a family member, or a trusted friend that you talk to about the feelings that you carry within you and that stop you from accomplishing many things is a big step towards releasing all of that.

In some cases there may be deep reasons for a person to feel "down" or with no motivation at all like experiences from the past, fears, and other reasons causing a very dramatic change in the person's life along with very strong case of depression. In cases like this speaking to a professional is very important, when something like this gets out of hand and grows deeper and much more drastically there are many risks to it, so I personally do encourage people to do some "self-analyzing" and see that there's absolutely no need to live in such a bad circle of life, there are many things out there that we can take advantage of for a better lifestyle and letting depression take over you is the worst thing you can do!.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

So far I hate the weather:

Today we had a lot of snowing going on here in New York and honestly I'm not enjoying it at all!. I'm naturally the one to hate the cold winter weather and along with it the snow and how complicated it becomes to walk and get places outside from home. ♥

So far there have been a few accidents and tragic news due to the climate right now, I wouldn't say it's completely out of hand but it is in deed very cold and hard to get around outside. Lucky for me I haven't had to get out of my house to do, I hope everyone is safe at home as well!

A little about me: (I should have this as my first post I know!) sorry but here you go! :)

Well first off I bet a lot are wondering what's my name? well call me Scarlet. I love to write! I really do, but I guess for the blogging part of it I always struggle a lot, I always ask myself what would others find interesting, but this time around i figure there's no fun in it for me if I please others instead of expressing my own thoughts, and isn't that what this is supposed to be about?

Well I hope to attract people into my blog though!
I guess I don't have a certain topic in specific because I have quite a few things I'm really interested on, so I'd be writing about:

*Life related things that I hope others can become in tune with
*I love mystery
*Psychology and everything that moves on to being about the mind and it's power
*Stories I may come up with once in a while (lol)
*And I guess I'd write in general about me such as opinions, feelings, and I guess anything that comes up!

So far I hope you like what you see!

Something I had in me for a while...

If there was only a way for me to have you back in my life
I promise you I'd do anything to make it all better this time.
I regret so many things, but I'd never regret meeting you,
because without you crossing into my path I think I wouldn't have experienced the best part of my life.
It is sad to see and sad to admit that I had you once,
but that now it's all part of the past.
I'm draggged down by this pain inside me,
which causes me to lose my senses when i hit reality.
There are so many questions left inside me
sorrow, pain, and many hurting doubts.
I wish I'd knew what happened...
Did life not want us together?
If not then why did we become one before this present time?
Or was my love and feelings for you not exactly what you wanted?
Am I lost and living a lie by having this feeling that still tells me that somehow you do care?
Or was I wrong and never saw that the answer to that was always there?


There is only one person who could ever make you happy, and that person is you.

As hard as it may be for many people to admit this, I believe this is very true, one must always look within for the things we think have gone missing throughout and around us, we have the key to unlock many of the things we believe we must search in others or in outer things. Happiness starts within us, our mind is very powerful for absolutely anything and everything!

Just wanted to throw that out there :)

Friday, December 18, 2009


Merry Christmas gingerbread man Pictures, Images and Photos
Merry Christmas Pictures, Images and Photos

Christmas, who's into it?

Christmas seems to be a very big deal for people, personally I'm not much into the spirit of it, but that's just me, I still think it can be a special time if you're really close toy our family, So I wish everyone out there very happy holidays and a merry christmas!
